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performing arts affiliates

Our Performers make art come



We work alongside artists as a host and advocate to help as they break through the boundaries that separate them from their most innovative selves, and through that, break the boundaries that separate new audiences from traditional theater -- opening the eyes of new audiences, and brightening those of art-lovers throughout our community. 


In turn, we get to witness these exciting, talented, performers transform the face of Boise Theater.

HomeGrown Theatre

HomeGrown Theatre’s mission is: To create kickass, venturous, impossible theatre that challenges our audiences and playmakers alike. / To explore and dismantle the parameters of theatre in Boise. / To provide an artistic home that is a safe-haven for Boise playmakers to not be perfect, but instead be ambitious explorers empowered to chase crazy dreams. / To educate our hometown of the transformative power of theatre by providing accessible, original, smart, affordable, fun, hip, exciting, and badass theatre to an underserved audience


We are a theatrical production company that works to facilitate the voices of the disenfranchised and to secure a place in our local community for their stories.

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