Visual Arts Careers
Creative Director/Vice President (Salary range: $55,000 - $400,000)
Art Director (Salary range: $55,000 - $140,000)
Assistant Junior Art Director (Salary range: $35,000 - $120,000)
Illustrator (Salary range: $34,000 - $80,000)
Storyboard Artist (Salary range: $25,000 - $80,000)
Layout Artist (Salary range: $25,000 - $45,000)
Media Director (Salary range: $35,000 - $100,000
Story artist - Sketches movement and ideas through a film.
Background/layout artist - In charge of the background of the feature.
Studio Background artist -A non-production background prepared by the studio for publicity or presentation purposes.
Technical Director - Establishes direct and reflected lighting and shadow for individual shots. The technical director needs knowledge of UNIX and programming.
Director of Photography - Directs the shooting of film sequences.
Photoscience Engineer - Makes masters from the finished film to film negative and digital cinema to high definition video.
Editorial Cartoonist - This artist frequently creates cartoons for the editorial sections of newspapers. Jobs for this profession are dwindling as newspapers fold.
Production Background - An original background painting used in the final version of an animated film or short.
Pencil Model Sheet Artist - A group of original pencil drawings on one sheet that illustrate an animated character in a variety of poses and expressions. Model sheets are lithographed and distributed to the animation team to ensure a uniform look and feel to a character throughout a production.
Morph - An artist who creates animated pictures transforming one image to another.
Background Drawing/Layout
Graphic Design (Salary range $35,000 - $60,000)
Billboard Artist
Greeting card designer
Magazine design and layout
Book design and layout
Catalog and brochure design and layout
Corporate logo design/letterhead design/packaging design
Advertisement Designer
Sign Writer
Packaging Designer
Calendar/Stationery/Wallpaper Designer
Illustration (general average salary $48,000)
Book/Magazine/Advertising Illustrator
Scientific/Medical Illustrator (Salary range: $40,000 - $60,000)
Forensic Artist
Children’s Book Illustrator
Technical Illustrator
Graphic Novelist
Marine Illustrator
Fashion Illustrator
Digital illustrator
Special Effects
Model Maker (salary range: $20,000 - $70,000)
Prosthetics Designer (Salary range: $20,000 - $60,000)
Sculptor (Salary range: $20,000 - $60,000)
Video Game Design (Average salary after 1 year experience $75,000)
Character Artist
Background Artist or Modeler
Concept Artist
Texture Artist
VR Artist
Film and Televsion Content Lead (Oculus)
Concept Artist
UX/UI Designer
Game Engineer
Creature TD/Rigger
Sound Effects Specialist
Mixed Reality Artist
Technical 3D Artist (Oculus)
Other Digital/Multi-Media (new jobs evolving)
iPhone/Android App designer
YouTube Video creator
Digital 3D modeller
Website Design (average salary $50,000)
Visual Information Specialist (combines graphic design, and web design, and creates multi-media presentations for corporation, large organizations, and the military) (Salary $65,000 - $85,000)
Fine Arts (usually sold through galleries to individuals, corporations, and museums) (average salary for artist working full-time $58,000)
Collage Artist
Glass Artist
Art Conservationist
Tattoo Artist
Functional Fine Arts (usually sold to stores and to individuals through craft fairs)
Candle making
Other crafts
Woodworking (bowls, utensils, etc.)
Aerial photographer
Fashion photographer
Print photographer (photographs products for catalogs and magazines)
Photo stylist (sets up merchandise to be photographed)
Photojournalist (sports/nature/current events)
Underwater photographer
Wedding photographer
Stock photo seller
Director of photography
Fight Director
Film Director
Film Editor
Film Production Manager
Director of Photography
Documentary film maker
Camera operator
Costume Designer
Set Designer
Lighting Designer
Architect (designs houses, public buildings, and commercial buildings)
Art Appraiser
Art Archivist
Art Critic
Art Dealer
Art Historian
Art Librarian
Art restoration
Art Teacher
Art Therapist
Arts Administrator
Cake Decorator
Clothing Designer
Color Consultant
Corporate Interior Designer (hospitals/banks/libraries/corporations, etc.)
Costume Designer
Courtroom/police artist
Desktop Publishing
Display and Exhibition Planner
Food Stylist
Floral Arranger
Gallery and Museum administration
Gallery and Museum curator
Gallery Owner
Jewelry designer
Landscape Artist/environmental designer (designs the yards and landscapes for houses, public spaces, and commercial properties)
Machinery Designer
Metalworking artist (hand makes furniture, and decorative parts of buildings)
Neon Sign maker
Online Curator
Parade Float designer
Picture Framer
Playground/Theme Park/Sports Arena Designer
Product designer (home décor products, kitchen products, toys, anything else you can find in a store)
Quilt/Rug/Bed Linen Designer
Residential Interior Designer (homes)
Silkscreen artist (Designs and prints t-shirts, hats, bags, etc. Could also be a fine artists.)
Stained Glass artist
Store display stylist
Furniture designer
Textile Design
Theme Park designer
T-Shirt designer
Wallpaper designer
Woodworking artist (hand makes furniture, and decorative parts of buildings)